Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A New Year’s Eve Tradition…

So it’s two years to the day since my last post. It seems my blog entries are becoming a biannual New Year’s Eve tradition… What has happened in those last twenty four months? 730 more golden grains of sand have slipped through the hourglass of life and what have I to show for it? More travel, yes, and more surviving the now regular rounds of redundancy at my place of work (for better or worse as the case may be). I have said goodbye for the last time to some older family members who have traded this mortal life, and all it entails, for eternal rest, and the actions of the power hungry, callous, individuals and corporations, who we all know really run our world - free of government intervention, have added their usual toll to my ever increasing cynicism.

Of course, my grand plans for life and my family have been pushed back again and again due to events beyond my control (which look to continue postponing things for the coming year) and our own lack of vigour and energy after working hard at making a living leaves little energy or time to give towards forwarding these plans. They remain on the larger drawing board of life where they were the last time I posted, slightly amended and much more dog eared. I wrote in my last post that “I have to make my own opportunities, and my caution must be thrown to the wind once more”, well sometimes circumstances conspire to make it not that easy for both caution and wind to come together as hoped…

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