Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fade To Black...

More than 500 websites are protesting about the forthcoming (yet to be tabled) Australian internet filtering laws to be introduced by senator Stephen Conroy over the next week by fading to black (see this ABC news story).

This censorship MUST STOP! What are we? This is the 21st century and we Australians don't need to be told what to read about on the internet by middle aged, technology illiterate idiots who are acting like the cardboard politicians they are. Stephen Conroy will disappear into the nowhere land of forgotten politicians soon enough, nobody will remember him for anything except the stupid mess he made (if the law is passed) and they way he lowered Australia to the level of laughing stock amongst the international community. Thanks Mr Stephen Conroy, you will have made this country look stupid and backward in the eyes of the rest of the world (except for maybe China who will be applauding your ideas).

This is typical of the short sighted political style of this country. Granted some 'free world' countries have some form of filtering but that is highly regulated and accurate. The laws that are to be introduced here next year, if passed, are nothing like these. More worryingly, they are open ended and will be amended as 'somebody' sees fit. Perhaps it's time that Australia considered that constitution it never bothered with...

I wonder how long it will be before posts like this will be 'filtered' for the 'good of the population' too? Dissemination of a differing opinion to that of the government could be seen as ban worthy!

Addendum to the above post - 2013

"Stephen Michael Conroy... was the minister for Broadband...until his resignation on 26 June 2013" (Wikipedia) - My bold/italics and underlining.

I also want to add another FACT from the Stephen Conroy Wikipedia page (the capitals are not ironic) regarding a website I linked to in this very post:

"In December 2009 "Internet pranksters" registered the domain name stephenconroy.com.au which was swiftly removed by auDA raising concerns about auDA's political neutrality and the further potential for suppression of political speech after the proposed mandatory Internet filter is legislated." - Rather telling isn't it?

So although you may still be a Victorian Senator, goodbye Mr. Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, now we can move on into the 21st century properly.